Visualisation is essential in a design process that necessitates constant critical analysis and reflection. Conceptual drawings are never intended to be realistic rather an exploration of ideas the essence of creativity. Between imaginative concept sketches and photorealist representations, there is an abundant range of styles and approaches. I believe that an architectural illustrator, as well as being able to orchestrate the most flattering scenario for a design by carefully choosing perspective viewpoints, angle of light, colour palette, landscape and entourage, should be able to execute an illustration in a variety of styles and media to best suit a clients objectives.
I have worked in the Architecture/ Construction industry as an architectural illustrator for 25 years. During that time I have managed an office that provided
a range of architectural illustration services, employing architects, technicians, industrial designers and graphic designers. In 1998, I made a decision to downsize the office in order to concentrate on the areas that I like to do best to paint and draw in a wide range of media!
Together with Carolyn Davy-Ellevsen, 3D computer enthusiast and co-director of Jane Grealy & Associates, we are developing new techniques
that combine computer-generated images and hand drawn skills. Experimentation, along with technical accuracy and an enthusiasm for art and architecture, are essential components of our working methodology.
I am continually inspired by architecture and art practitioners and by my own professional colleagues. I have taught on a part-time basis at the Queensland University of Technology, TAFE (Technical and Further Education) and at the University of Northern Territory and enjoy sharing my skills and enthusiasm with students.
Following is our client list and details of professional organizations I have been involved with. I hope you enjoy browsing through our work. Contact details can be accessed through the Archive Menu.
- Jane Grealy

Professional Memberships:
- American Society of Architectural Perspectivists (Australian Coordinator)
- Australian Association of Architectural Illustrators (Founding President)

Client List
- Commonwealth Government Australia
Construction Services
- Queensland Government
- Brisbane City Council
- Brisbane Airport Corporation
- M.I.M. Holdings Ltd
- James Hardies Ltd
- Cox, Richardson Architects & Planners
- Daryl Jackson Pty Ltd
- Fletchers Construction Australia Ltd
- Consolidated Properties
- Bligh Voller Neild Pty Ltd
- Davenport Campbell & Partners
- The Buchan Group Architects
- Hassell Pty Ltd & Peddle Thorp Architects
- Paal Kit Homes Pty Ltd
- AV Jennings Homes
